legal adj. 1.法律(上)的。 2.法定的,合法的,正当的。 3.【宗教】按照摩西律法的。 one's legal status 合法地位。 the legal profession 律师业。 a legal adviser 法律顾问。 a legal fare 法定运费。 n. 1.法定权利。 2.依法必须登报的声明。 3.〔pl.〕 储蓄银行[信托公司]可以用来投资的证券。
There are several positive functions of legal clinic education as the crucial act of legal education reform in china 摘要作为中国法律教育改革可能的破冰性举措,法律诊所教育具有多方面的积极意义。
Research on developing value, content structure and positive functions of legal clinic education can lay the basis of further research 对法律诊所教育的发展概况、内容体系和积极意义的研究可为更深入的研究提供铺垫。
In addition, firm participation in domestic vio ? lence, elder law, homelessness, bankruptcy, and similar types of legal clinics is particularly attractive in that it allows law firm lawyers to spend a discrete amount of time dispensing limited advice without being bound by normal conflicts rules 此外,律所尤其热衷参与一些涉及家庭暴力、老年人保障法、无家可归、破产及类似种类的法律诊所服务,原因是这些服务允许律师在单独的一段时间里提供有限的咨询而且无须受到正常的冲突规则的约束。